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Equestrian Awards: Hi-Point and Circuit Champion and Reserve Circuit Champion at the California Championship horse show. Ribbons, buckles, sprus straps, and more.

PCQHA Award Programs

The Pacific Coast Quarter Horse Association (PCQHA) proudly recognizes outstanding achievements in the show arena through our prestigious awards programs. From year-end high point awards to special achievement recognitions in L1 classes, we celebrate the dedication and success of our exhibitors and their incredible American Quarter Horses.

Introducing PCQHA Year End High-Points for members with the most points in their respective event
Three headed horse trophy from PCQHA

Year-End Awards Are BACK For 2025!


The PCQHA Year-End Hi-Point Awards Program celebrates accomplishments in the City & Ranch Divisions with 8 Hi-Point Awards in 2025. The award show year spans January 1, 2025, through October 15, 2025, and recognizes the top competitors during this timeframe.


Hi-Point winners will be honored with the iconic PCQHA Three-Headed Trophy and a leather halter featuring a personalized nameplate, recognizing their accomplishment. Reserve Hi-Point winners will also receive a leather halter with an engraved nameplate. The awards will be presented during the annual membership meeting in the first quarter of 2026.

All PCQHA members are eligible. Join PCQHA here. 

PCQHA Buckle Bonanza Awards Program
The PCQHA Buckle Bonanza offers youth exhibitors the ability to compete in L1 events.

PCQHA is pleased to announce the continuation of the Buckle Bonanza program for Amateur and Youth exhibitors in the L1 and Walk Trot divisions for 2025.  

NEW for 2025 The PC
QHA Buckle Bonanza will offer Circuit Awards in all Youth and Amateur L1 classes at five shows this coming year starting with Back to Basics in January, 2025. 

You must be a PCQHA member to sign up. 

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