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Founded in 1945, the Pacific Coast Quarter Horse Association (PCQHA) is the oldest state affiliate chartered by the American Quarter Horse Association. PCQHA provides membership benefits, hosts shows and clinics, and supports Quarter Horse enthusiasts at all levels. For decades, it has been a cornerstone of the equine community, fostering pride, camaraderie, and competition among horse lovers worldwide.


Our Mission
PCQHA is dedicated to promoting the breeding and ownership of California-bred American Quarter Horses. Through its awards program, the association recognizes and celebrates the achievements of these horses in PCQHA-sponsored and approved events.


Our Vision
As the leading advocate for the Quarter Horse industry on the West Coast, PCQHA upholds the values of sportsmanship, friendship, and responsible horse ownership. The association remains committed to protecting, promoting, and preserving the American Quarter Horse for those dedicated to the breed's legacy and future. 

Two Amateur members who compete in ranch riding, reining, and the all-around quarter horse events. They are at the paso robles events center where PCQHA hosts the California Championship horse show.


PCQHA is a membership driven organization serving the interest of horse enthusiasts of
all ages and experience levels who share a passion for the American Quarter Horse.

Youth Involvement

PCQHYA inspires the youth of California through educational events, award recognition
programs, scholarship opportunities as well as fielding a state team to the AQHYA
World Show.

Palomino Quarter Horse gelding with western tack getting ready to ride in the ranch events at a horse show or equestrian competition.
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